888 AD The First Settlers on the Island of Great Yarmouth

 A new project: I have written a story about the first people to settle on what was an island, where Great Yarmouth stands now, in the year 888.

Two Saxon brothers decide to build houses on the island of Gernemutha, and take their families across to live there. They will be better placed to take advantage of the herring fishing in the autumn. But there are many problems to be overcome, and danger lurks at all times: although East Anglia is ruled by a Dane, King Guthrum, still Viking raids persist until the time of William the Conqueror.

An illustrated children's book will hopefully see the light of day before Christmas!

Top: Herewulf Gathers Mussels in the Great Estuary. Watercolour 38x56cm                                                                                           

Lower: The Island of Gernemutha, Seen From the East. Watercolour 13x18cm


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